
Posts tagged with Philadelphia-Beekeepers-Guild

  1. Featured Beekeeper: Dave Harrod

    I first met Dave Harrod at The Miquon School where his daughter Nina and my son Wynn were classmates. Neither one of us were beekeepers back then. We lost touch after the kids graduated from Miquon. It was a pleasant surprise to meet up with him several years later at…

  2. Philadelphia Beekeeper’s Symposium : Photographers and Pro Bono Work

    Pro Bono, Latin, meaning “for good.” When it comes to shooting for free, you need to do what feels right for you. If there is an organization or a cause you believe in and you want to donate your time and expertise, that’s up to you In my case,…

  3. Flat Rock Apiary: Philadelphia Beekeepers Guild Nuc Program

    Beekeepers in both North America and Europe are experiencing high rates of overwintering losses.  The reason for this steep decline in bee population, which has become known as Colony Collapse Disorder, remains the subject of much debate. Some factors being considered are pesticides, especially neonicotinoids, infections caused by Varroa and…

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